Headteacher's Welcome
Gary M. Anderson B.Ed N.P.Q.H.
Cymraeg? Cliciwch yma
On behalf of the pupils, staff and Governors I would like to welcome you to our website.
Llangennech Junior School is a special, welcoming place where all children are included in all activities. The main aim of our happy school is to develop all individuals in order for them to reach their full potential.
Our school is a popular school and is well equipped with all the latest technology. We have eight classrooms, a computer suite, a library, a hall, a sports hall and dining hall. The school boasts an excellent natural environment including an outdoor learning area, school garden, extensive playing fields and playground areas sheltered by mature oak trees.
Governors and staff work together closely to provide a high standard of education for all our pupils, within a happy, stimulating and secure learning environment. We encourage pupils to take responsibility for their learning, to grow in confidence and become more independent. We believe that children learn best when staff and parents work together in close partnership and so we value parent involvement with the development our children's education. We promote good behaviour so that every child can achieve their potential.
We hope this website will give you an idea of what our school is like, giving you a taste of the school life. I hope you enjoy exploring the site which has been put together by staff and pupils.
"The Greatest Oaks have been little Acorns."